The Vegetable Oil Industries Company participates in the fourth recruitment day in the city of Qalqilya
The Vegetable Oil Industries Company participated in the fourth annual recruitment day held by the Ahli Club of Qalqilya on Thursday 14/02/2019 at the Saraya Sultan Hall in Qalqilya City, sponsored by Trust Insurance Company and the National Beverage Company Coca Cola and in collaboration with the Employment Council, the Ministry of Labor and Al Quds Open University. - Qalqilia Branch, with the participation of institutions and companies from the private and public sectors and the presence of a number of graduates of Palestinian universities. On the employment day, Major General Rafi Rawajba, Governor of Qalqiliya Governorate, Rami Mahdawi, Director General of Employment at the Ministry of Labor, Deputy Mayor of Qalqilya, Bassem Hashim, Director of Al-Quds University Branch, Dr. Nur Al-Aqra, , And the company has demonstrated its presence among these companies by extending its hand to students to provide employment opportunities in the private sector. More than 250 graduates from different disciplines have been interviewed, and many students from different disciplines have been interviewed. The students were introduced to the mechanism of work of the company and its products, whereabouts and history, which is still the hand that helps graduate students or those who are on the school in training or even work with the company, and distributed leaflets for students to learn more about the mechanism of work of the company and its products. .