Invitation to the regular general meeting

The Vegetable Oil Factories Company invites the general shareholding company - Nablus - the company shareholders to attend The regular general assembly meeting will take place on Thursday, 21/4/2022 at eleven o'clock in the company’s offices in Nablus, to discuss the matters on the agenda below:
1- Discussing and approving the report of the Board of Directors for the fiscal year 2021.
2 - Read the report of the company's auditors for the period ending on 31/12/2021.
3- Discussing and approving the balance sheet and final accounts for the financial period ending on 12/31/2021.
4- Approving the recommendation of the Board of Directors to distribute cash dividends to shareholders at 50% of the value The nominal value of the share is one Jordanian dinar.
5- To absolve the Board of Directors from liability for the year 2021.
6 - Election of the company's auditors for the fiscal year 2022 and authorizing the Board of Directors to determine its fees.
7 - Any matters raised by shareholders who own 10% of the company’s shares, for discussion and voting
8- Any other matters.
Please attend this meeting in person, or delegate another shareholder for you, provided that the power of attorney is deposited in the company office three days before the meeting date.
For more information or details, please contact the company's phones 09242324 and 0924011-09 Fax No. 2324237/2325036 nbsp;Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Website ;
Chairman of Board of Directors
Iyad Al-Hajji